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We are products of our environment; if a kid’s natural habitat is the dynamic coastline of beautiful British Columbia, maybe that’s why they are captivated to play outside in the mountains. Growing up in the Sea to Sky means embracing the bloodline of working hard, chasing the next level and pursuing greatness. There are big mountains, steep lines, and technical terrain. What we used to think of as impossible is constantly attained, and the boundaries of new "norms" are constantly stretched. Being creative with the landscape sparks new ways to play. There are few places in the world that demand as much determination, imagination and strength. For groms who live and play here, chasing the peak is in their blood. 


In order to keep up, kid’s bodies must perform. From able-bodies to disabled bodies, babies, to teenagers, the Sea-to-Sky playground brings out kids of all abilities to challenge their mind and their body. Sport demands load, capacity and recovery, and finally there’s a place that supports just that, and just for kids. 

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